If you spend any time around our church at all, you’ll quickly learn one thing: we love students. They’re smart. They’re funny. They’re bold. And they’re bursting with potential. We truly believe that the middle and high school students in our midst are world changers in the making.

That’s why youth ministry is such a huge part of what we do at our church. We want to guide them in developing a personal faith in Christ as they step into their specific roles in the story He’s writing with their lives. We work hard to create environments that engage students in good conversation about God, encouraging them to ask questions, search out answers, and truly learn to listen to His leading in their lives. And maybe even have a little fun while they’re at it! After all, if life in Christ is truly the best life we can live, shouldn’t we encourage our students to enjoy living it to the fullest?

We know that the middle and high schools years are a time where students are most in need of kindness and community and someone to walk alongside them as they grow. Our student ministry provides just that, connecting students with one another as well as with leaders who want to support them in their journeys. Both middle and high school groups meet weekly, each focusing on worship, teaching, and small groups to encourage students in their faith.


7th – 12th grade students will have a blast at TTAG Youth, because it’s designed just for them. In service, students will learn what it means to have real, intentional faith in Jesus Christ. They get to experience things such as: games, passionate worship, messages they can relate to, and make lasting friendships with other students.

What to Expect?

Doors open at 6pm.

Service Begins at 6:30pm

Dismiss at 7:30pm


Following the model of the early church (Acts 1:8), we encourage our youth to join a Homegroup where we enjoy good food, good fellowship, and good friends. It’s a discipleship environment where, within the context of relationships, we grow in faith together. Homegroup is every 1st and 3rd Sunday night at 5 p.m. 

Fine Arts

What is Fine Arts?

Fine Arts Festival is a discipleship tool of AG Youth Ministries designed to help students discover, develop and deploy their ministry gifts.

Beginning in September each year, over 65,000 junior and senior high school students begin preparing their entries for the district and National Fine Arts Festivals. Students may enter as many as 80+ categories offered: Art, Communication, Drama, Instrumental, Vocal, and Writing. For more information about getting involved contact Pastor Andrew.

Campus Missionary



We are passionate about training students who are united for the purpose of reaching every student, every school, every community – one person at a time. 

Our desire is to build bridges between local schools and local churches while training students to grow as leaders and missionaries who will represent the Church to the school, and the school to the Church.


Contact us below with any questions, concerns, or just to say hello.
We can't wait to meet you -- online or in person!

3509 Pine St, Arkadelphia, AR 71923

(870) 246-8929

12 + 14 =